About Jeffrey...
From military cop, undercover investigator, private security and self-protection expert to Trusted Advisor & Peer Partner to C-Suite Leaders
I'm passionate about helping leaders and business owners seriously concerned about not just workplace safety but protecting their company's assets, reputations, and people from the threat of violence entering their workplace. My clients tend to be either small / mid-sized companies who lack a dedicated security expert and need to make sure that an act of workplace violence cannot destroy everything they've worked so hard to build, as-well-as the larger, Fortune level leader who has already done a lot, but who wants to make sure they have the right contingency plans in place to stay out in front of the newest and seemingly endless threats and unsuspecting attacker-types acting out in today's world.

Does your company's workplace violence plan have everything you need to successfully protect your people from... violence?
Download your complimentary digital copy of my special, "32 Steps to Make Your Company 'Attack-Proof'" report. Now you don't have to be a client to get the global framework behind me unique Px8 integrated threat management system. Making sure your workplace has all the key elements that will make you and your people more safe and responsive against the threats that can destroy everything you’ve worked so hard to build!
Some of those I've Helped...

“The Strategy & Tactics Guy”
And I remember the day I decided to leave law enforcement to go into business for myself as a personal safety protection specialist and defensive tactics program trainer. Despite the disbelief from family, friends, and co-workers…
I knew that I was making this decision because…
I remembered why I originally decided to make a career for myself in that realm, and realized how I was not living to my passion.
You see, I grew up in the inner city and faced threats and violence from the earliest age in school and in my neighborhood. Add to that I had an abusive step-father, and it might become easier to see why I would take all that negativity and redirect it into a positive desire to help protect others from the danger and violence that I saw in the world . That means that I entered law enforcement for the most altruistic reasons… to protect good people from the violence and those who use it in this world.
Unfortunately, after seven years and several different attempts at fulfilling my goals through the usual avenues one might think of within the realm of law enforcement, from patrolman to criminal investigator and even counter-terrorist specialist, I found that all I was doing was cleaning up messes and doing reports on victims. I found that being a police officer put me on the wrong side of the paradigm. Not at all where I wanted to be because, even if we catch the bad guys (only a 6 – 17% success rate on convictions for violent crimes)…
…the injury, damage, and loss of loved-ones cannot be undone.

So, a new direction and company was born.
And, along with my expertise in:
- assessing risk and problem areas
- creating customized, out-of-the-box solutions, and...
- understanding the leader's organizational concerns with regards to:
- protecting brand reputation
- liability-control, and...
- being perceived by employees and their own higher-ups as a:
- Hero
- Protector
- True leader with greater potential and value to their company
...the rest, as they say, is history.

What They Say...
I'm Guessing That You're Different...
As an evidence and fact-based person, I'm going to do something that I rarely ever do, and that's make an assumption. And that assumption is that you're different from 70% of business owners and leaders who, contrary to all of the examples to the contrary, believe that danger will never touch them or their people...
...and therefor have absolutely NOTHING in place to prevent, deter, or protect themselves from an act of workplace violence should it strike them!
That part is obvious to me by virtue of you being here in the first place. I'm going to also assume that your view of workplace violence goes beyond the belief that it's limited to just employee-initiated acts.
The first step in protecting you and your people is to determine which of the following actually constitute your primary, secondary, and tertiary threats. Without knowing this, and the common methodologies used by each, your plan would be no different than a doctor prescribing the same medicine to all patients without first knowing the cause of the illness in each.
Workplace Violence Attacker Types

What I don't know is whether or not you're in the 2 - 3% of leaders that make you and I a good fit as strategic partners - leaders looking for an expert like me with nearly 40 years of experience in handling actual violence BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER the fact... ...or if you're, like most of the remaining 30%, merely looking for the next "band-aid" solution that makes you and your people "feel" safe, but that does nothing to actually make your workplace more safe when it's needed the most.
Want To Work With Me?
If you're actively looking to explore your options in making your workplace more safe, prepared, and proactively responsive, let's schedule a time to speak so you can share with me what you already have in place, what your current concerns are, and we can determine whether or not you're the kind of client who would most benefit from partnering to make your company and workplace(s) more secure and protected against the types of threats you're most likely to face.